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  • Writer's pictureJT

The HVAC guy in my office is a quiet talker.

Updated: Jul 9, 2020

I just talked to the HVAC guy for our office because it has been humid as balls in here for the past few days. The dude is a quiet talker to the EXTREME. Worst part is, he shows no emotion on his face AT ALL. So I can’t even tell if it’s good news or bad news or if he’s joking about something. All I know is the air in this office weighs a thousand pounds and people are bitching about it all over the place. So maybe he’s gonna fix it. Or not. Or maybe he’s going to kill us all. We’ll see. I’ll keep you posted (I probably won’t).


He just came back in to check on something, and I tried to ask him a question outside of dealing with our shitty HVAC system to see if I could find a sparkle of life behind those robo-eyes. My wife likes to leave every fan on in our house all day because she thinks it keeps the house cool while we’re out. I think it just moves the warm air around and doesn’t make a difference. She thinks I’m being cheap. So I asked him if it makes a difference to leave a fan on in a room all day that doesn’t have AC. He robotically said no and tried to explain it, but I couldn’t hear a fucking thing he was saying, so I just said, “Oh…yeah. Uh huh. Makes sense.”

When I told him that I have tried to convince my wife to turn the fans off when no one is home, it was like I flipped him back into human mode. His voice perked up and I could actually hear him, and he went into this long story about how HIS wife tries to pull that same shit at his house. I didn’t really hear what he was saying though, because I wasn’t listening to his boring-ass story.

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