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  • Writer's pictureJT

Monkey Driver

Updated: Jan 27

Dan: YouTube has done it again. This guy must get all the chicks! When he hangs his left arm on the roof...that's a badass move. No wonder he is so fat, he never walks..this guy is my boy

(no need for the video to be over 4 minutes though...we got it in 1...thanks)

Jeff: Before watching, I'm going to guess this is the video of the orangutan driving through golf cart around the zoo.

Dan: Correct, you've seen it? He is THE MAN!!!

Jeff: Yes I saw it this past week. Best thing ever!! Just watched the whole thing again though. He is SMOOOOOTH. And a legit good driver. I like to think around the 1:30 min mark that he is scoping out babes. I also like how he plays it cool and isn't smiling and laughing like a lot of orangutans do. He's just cool.

Dan: One handed driving more 99% of the time....dude is too cool.

John: The. Absolute. MAN.

John: But think about that for a second...that was a MONKEY 100% driving. Not crashing into trees or bushes or lights. Not driving across the grass and bouncing all over the place. Just driving. No wonder he's so awesomely confident.

Jeff: Seriously. He's better than many human drivers. I bet he gets so many monkey chicks.

Jeff: I want an orangutan now.

Jeff: I feel like Prince at the end might be the "special" one.

Dan: Oh...Prince absolutely is the "special" one...100%.

And there were so many hilarious parts I can't even comment on them all! I like when they are grouchy and knock shit over or throw their glass when they are done. Or the dude was breaking the chips in to tiny pieces and throwing them into his mouth, hahaha

Let's pool our money and get an ORANGUTAN!!!!

Jeff: I know, I like how they just throw their glass or tip the table over when they are done. I'm gonna start doing that at home. And I know the part you are talking about where he's tilted back and breaking the chips into little pieces and dropping them PERFECTLY into his mouth. Skill I tell you!

Let's start a company where people can trade their kids in for orangutans. We will be credited for bringing happiness to millions of people. BUT......before they get to go home with families, they have to learn to drive and have to definitely wear human clothes.

Dan: Definitely wear human clothes.

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