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  • Writer's pictureJT

Bragging about Guy Stuff

Updated: May 6, 2022

Jeff: Guys, I did real guy stuff tonight.

John: Did you mean to say "guy stuff" or "gay stuff"?? Because I'm thinking you probably meant to say "gay stuff". You know...because you're so queer.

Jeff: No, no, no. Real GUY stuff. Check it out:

(sends pictures of some wires from his dryer and a shelf he built)

Jeff: I feel like a man a little bit.

Jeff: I built that shelf in the garage last night! And wired the dryer. And used duct and flex tape. For a brief moment, my voice lowered and my dick grew. Then when done I grabbed Cheez-Its and plopped on the couch and watched the office and my dick went back to a half of grape size.

John: I drove by yesterday around 4:30 or 5 and I thought I saw a MAN in your garage. But I guess it was just you.

Jeff sends this picture:

John: The guy I saw looked like he had SIGNIFICANTLY lower testosterone levels. Almost like a medically-concerning low level.

Jeff: You mean he had more estrogen in his body than testosterone? THAT WAS ME! Now......pfffft.....I juice up with T shots every week man. Now I have normal levels. What are you two fruitcakes excuses?

**Editor's Note**

I would like it to be known for all eternity that I recently changed my own headlight in my car AND re-lit the pilot light on my furnace IN THE SAME DAY.

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