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My Smart Friend, The Trash Picker

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

The following is from a text between John, Dan, and Jeff:

Dan: This is always a judgement free zone, right fellas?? ..... Sooo....I'm unwrapping a semi-frozen Reese's Peanut Butter Cup from the know, when they have hard, delicious edges when they are cold. And as I'm going to throw away the wrapper, somehow the peanut butter cup falls in the trash too (kitchen trash mind you). Well, obviously I yell out "Nooooooooo!!!!" and then I try to see if it landed on did not. In fact, I can't even see it, but I saw the hole it fell in. Well, I reached my hand down there and felt it right away. I pulled it out and instantly go under a bright light to inspect looked ok. I sniffed it. It smelled ok. So...I ate it.

Would you have done the same?

Jeff: Oh, 1,000%. If it came out looking, smelling and feeling fine. It's going in the pie hole. If it had something that could be brushed off...into the ol' bazoo. Even if it had something wet on it...if it could be wiped off and still smelled fine....into the old yap-trap.

John: The fact that you went under a bright light, or ANY kind of light to inspect it makes you a much better, wiser man that I am or will ever be.

I have come to the realization that Heaven does actually exist here on earth. It just exists in little, passing moments. It's that hug from a child, a laugh with a friend, a warm summer breeze as you sit lazily on your porch drinking iced tea. It's that first sip of coffee in the morning and it's relaxing on the couch at Christmas time while you take a minute to look at the tree and smell the Christmasy smells. It's looking back fondly at old times and it's looking ahead hopefully to your new horizons. But most of all - the very pinnacle of experiencing God's Kingdom while we are here, alive on this planet - it is a perfectly frozen peanut butter cup, EXACTLY as you described it.

So Dan, had you NOT reached in and pulled that chocolatey slice of Heaven out of the trash, you would have been renouncing your love of God, his son Jesus Christ, and all of his patrons and saints. If you had let that Reese's Peanut Butter Cup sit sadly in your pile of undesirables, you would have been swearing your allegiance to Satan himself.

So yeah...I don't judge you at all.

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