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Oreos are HOW old??

Updated: Mar 9

If I had to bet my life on this one and be within a 10 year range, give or take 5 years, I would be super dead. Not just regular dead. Super dead. That’s how far off I was. I have often said that if it wasn’t for Oreos, more specifically Double Stuff Oreos, I would have a six pack and be able to run like Forest Frigging Gump.

Out of my love and devotion to Oreos, I decided to look them up and see when they were first invented. I had my money on the 1950’s. Maaaaybbbee the 40’s, but late 40’s. If someone told me to pick the year Oreos were invented, and they said I have to be within 5 years or else I would be eaten by a tiger, I would have guessed 1953 to cover myself. That way I’d get the late 40’s all the way up to the late 50’s.

Wrong. I’d be Tiger meat. Delicious, fatty, kinda hairy tiger meat.

1912. The company that was Nabisco before Nabisco made the first Oreo in 19-effing-12. That blows my mind. When I think about the Titanic, I feel like that was ancient history. Nope. Same year. Fenway Park opened the same year that Oreos first came out. Fenway Park was built for people that were all 5’1” because that’s how tall people were back then. CARS are only 25 years older than Oreos. That’s straight up NUTS..

Here’s the one that TOTALLY bothers me. Oreos were invented in 1912. Okay. We get it. When I was searching for things to compare this to so we can get an idea of just how old Oreos really are, I came across this tidbit of silliness….according to the National Park Service, “In 1882 Edison helped form the Edison Electric Illuminating Company of New York, which brought electric light to parts of Manhattan. But progress was slow. Most Americans still lit their homes with gas light and candles for another fifty years. Only in 1925 did half of all homes in the U.S. have electric power.”

That was from the National Park Service. Their website ends in “.gov” so you know that has to be a true statement. In 1925, only half of the homes in the U.S. had electricity. But they were all munching on Oreos. For realsies. At least we had our priorities straight – delicious cream-filled chocolate cookies first, electricity second. God bless the USA!

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