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Craigslist Is An Awesome(ly Creepy) Place: Volume 4

Updated: Sep 28, 2020

It's time to take a break from the creepy pervs out there to take a peek into the minds of people that just feel the need to rant about ridiculous things. The likelihood of someone seeing a post on Craigslist is insanely small, and the chances of someone seeing it and saying, "Well, this one person is right and something must be done about this issue right now" are even smaller.

Which brings us to this guy that is pissed about people being interested in sharks:

He goes full-on Jan Brady with the title, whining about how everyone just wants to talk about sharks. He's sick of it. All he hears all day long is how great sharks are at this or how wonderful sharks are at that. He wants Shark Week cancelled forever, and wants to replace it with HIPPOPOTAMUS WEEK. In all honesty, I'm all for it. I'll do Hippo Week all month.

This guy has seen tons of sharks in his day. Sharks are like trees to this guy. No big whoop. Spotted another shark? Big deal. Leave them alone and they'll leave you alone (*most of the time). Let me know when you see a hippo, because those things are straight up killers.

I honestly don't know what this guy expects to happen now that he has posted this little boycott of sharks on craigslist. Does he think the President of the Discovery Channel goes on these sites to get a feel for what people want to watch? I honestly pray that he does, because I am 100% in on Hippo Week. If I ever saw that huge head and tiny little ears pop up out of the water behind me like that, it would be Diaper Change City, Population: Me.

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