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  • Writer's pictureJT

An Ode to Orange Hi-C at McDonald's

I went to McDonald's today for the first time in months and I almost cried with tears of joy. The Hi-C orange drink is back!?!?!?!

I still remember the day I heard they were going to discontinue it. My heart sunk down in my stomach and I felt like I was going to throw up and have diarrhea all at once.

I would equate it to the feeling I had when I went over to Super Hot Courtney's apartment when I was in college. She invited me into her bedroom, and I hung out and talked to her, which was great. But the BAD feeling I had came after that, when I was walking back to my apartment and it suddenly dawned on me...wait - SHE invited ME into HER bedroom and I just sat there a talked????? Why did I do that?? I will never get that time back!! I totally missed out on a real chance to have kissy-kissy time with the hottest girl I had ever seen. I felt lost in the world.

I felt the same way when McDonald's took the orange Hi-C away. It was like everything in my life was all for nothing. Colors weren't as colorful. Songs weren't as melodious. It made me question - why are we even here?? What's the point of it all??

Well, let me tell you, it all came back today. While I may have missed out on the opportunity of a lifetime with Hot Courtney, I was able to tough it out until now to see the light again. Colors are brighter. Birds are singing just for me. Orange Hi-C is back, and I gulped it down like a thirsty baby ravenously sucking on its mother's breast (sorry, that was the only analogy I could think of. I blame my 2 month old daughter).

Rejoice! Rejoice!! Orange Hi-C for all throughout the land!! And more importantly, orange Hi-C for meeeeee!!!

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